Digital Seva Kendra

Digital Seva Kendra

One Rank One Pension (OROP)


One Rank One Pension (OROP) is a policy implemented by the Indian government to provide equal pensions to retired servicemen, regardless of their retirement date. The policy ensures that those who retire at the same rank get the same pension as their colleagues who retired earlier.

The current pension system is based on the last salary drawn, where the pension is typically fifty percent of the last salary, plus other allowances. In this system, the emphasis is on the last salary drawn, not the length of service.

Why is One Rank One Pension (OROP) needed?

The main reason for demanding OROP is to address the disparity and injustice in the pension system of the defence forces. Due to the frequent revisions of pay scales and pension rates, the current system of pension depends on the last salary drawn by the retiree.

This means that a soldier who retired earlier will get a lower pension than a soldier who retired later, even if they have the same rank and service record. Another reason for OROP is to compensate for the early retirement age of the defense personnel.

Unlike their civilian counterparts, who retire at the age of 60, the defense personnel are made to retire at the age of 33 to 35 years to maintain a young and fit army. This affects their career prospects and financial security in the post-retirement phase. Therefore, it is the moral obligation of the state to look after the welfare of the soldiers who serve the nation.

Government Initiatives

Governments have acknowledged the importance of OROP and have taken various initiatives to address the concerns of the armed forces. Committees and commissions have been formed to study and recommend measures for the implementation of OROP. The government intends to create a sustainable and equitable pension system that reflects the contributions and sacrifices of military personnel.

Importance of One Rank One Pension (OROP)

OROP has several benefits for military personnel and society as a whole. It provides financial stability and security to retired military personnel, ensuring that they can maintain a decent standard of living after serving the nation. It also promotes a sense of fairness and equity among military personnel, as everyone who has served the country for the same length of time receives the same pension.

Additionally, OROP helps to attract and retain talent in the military, as it assures potential recruits that their pension will not be significantly lower than that of their more senior colleagues. This, in turn, contributes to a more professional and effective military force.

Challenges and Criticisms

While OROP has been widely welcomed and appreciated by servicemen, it has faced certain challenges and criticisms. One of the main criticisms is the cost associated with the implementation, as it has resulted in a significant increase in pension payments. Additionally, the calculation and implementation of the pension have posed administrative challenges.

Overall, OROP is a policy that has long been demanded by retired military personnel, and its implementation is a significant step forward. However, there is still work to be done to ensure that OROP is implemented effectively and efficiently. OROP promotes fairness and equality, enhances the financial security of servicemen, and boosts their morale. While it has encountered certain challenges and criticisms, the policy has generally been welcomed and praised by servicemen. Overall, OROP is a significant step towards recognizing and honouring the contributions of the Armed Forces personnel.

While OROP ensures equal pensions for retired armed forces personnel, many veterans face challenges in accessing and managing their benefits. This is where Digital Seva steps in. Through CSC Digital Seva in villages and Digital Seva Kendras in towns, veterans can access their pension information, submit grievances, and even update details online.

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